Tuesday 29 March 2011

The SDC on gender and national development

The relations between women and men in Zambia are such that women - in daily interactions and social transactions - are always designated subordinate and subservient roles by societal norms and mores. The plight of Zambian women continues to be worrisome as the majority of our womenfolk are excluded from the country’s life chances such as quality education, quality health care and decent work. In the main, structural forces are central in impeding women from advancing in our society. Archaic traditions embedded in patriarchy are also major stumbling-blocks to women’s advancement in Zambia. The SDC firmly believes that women are the central pillar of Zambia’s development and their talents must not only to be valued, but must also be harnessed for the overall development of the country. That is why the SDC is the only party in Zambia which accords women an equal footing in all its endeavours – so that they play critical and meaningful roles in Zambia’s political processes.

The current political scenario where women’s roles have been reduced to, among others, demeaning activities like dancing at campaign rallies, is not condoned by the SDC. Women have vital roles to play in Zambian politics and the SDC will make sure that they play decisive roles in the political arena. Women are literally the life-blood of our country and the SDC will make bold moves to eradicate all conditions that enfeeble, demean and marginalise them. It is shocking that in this day and age we find that the majority of Zambian women are exposed to hunger, die in large numbers during child birth or are constantly foraging for food. Women continue to remain unemployed, poor and illiterate, and exposed to life-threatening conditions such as gender-based violence.
This is unacceptable 46 years after independence! The SDC will put a stop to this through a decisive political will that will be translated into bold policies and legislation. In order to ensure that women’s issues remain at the forefront of national development efforts, the SDC will, once in power, mainstream the gender dimension in all of Zambia’s institutions. This means that all policies and legislation will have an in-built gender dimension. There is also a need to make sure that gender is mainstreamed into school curricula where our children will be sensitised over gender issues from an early age. All primitive and archaic traditions such as sexual cleansing, wife inheriting and grabbing of widows’ properties will be outlawed and criminalised once the SDC is in power. Severe penalties will be meted out to perpetrators of such acts – which are basically an affront to the dignity and self-worth of Zambian women.   

Based on the above understandings, the SDC does not have a women’s league or any other separate section for women as they are mainstreamed into all party structures. This stance is in line with the notion that women are equal partners to their male counterparts in the development of Zambia. Having women in adjunct structures serves to reinforce the discrimination of women in Zambian politics. Thus the SDC has deviated from this prevailing norm in the country. If there are no Men’s Leagues in political parties why should there be Women’s Leagues? 

Like the African grey dove on our flag, let Zambian women soar to higher heights. Long live Zambian women long live!

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