Tuesday 23 August 2011

A nation desrves its leaders

As Zambians prepare to go to the polls in the coming month, we the members of the Social Democratic Congress (SDC) unequivocally state that (with the obtaining material conditions) the nation deserves its current crop of leaders. Indeed, with a multitude of illiterate, ill-informed and ethnically-based voters, the nation is not spoilt for choice in terms of visionary and quality leadership. We say so because the frontrunners in the presidential elections being the incumbent, Rupiah Banda and the leading opposition contender, Michael Sata are of a by-gone era and with due respect cannot execute modern-age democratic governance. They are also in the twilight of their years as both are 74 years old. We believe that whoever wins these elections, Zambia’s development trajectory will not be significantly altered – in short it will be business as usual or even worse. We want to put this on record for posterity. But one wonders whether this sate of affairs does favour ancient politicians and not dynamic and young visionaries? This calibre of politicians would deliriously celebrate when the World Bank classifies Zambia as a low middle income country. On the other hand the SDC sets its goals of making Zambia one of the top 10 performing economies in the world - not in Africa, not in the developing world, not in middle income countries, but in the world! We believe that it can be done! Whatever the case may be the SDC membership firstly believes that it has a moral duty to stand up and be counted and chart a new course of action in Zambian politics. Secondly, it firmly believes that no matter what the obstacles are, one day – when the material conditions are right, the SDC will rule Zambia and take into the future. Zambia is our country and we have a citizenry responsibility to make it a better place. Our time will come.